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Your thanks and gratitude have never been so needed. Take time today to send a note of thanks, appreciation, “I’m thinking of you” to someone serving in your community – Doctors, nurses, health care personnel, first responders, teachers, caregivers, police, firefighters, postal workers, truck drivers, grocers, sanitation workers, small parcel carriers – essentials everywhere. Their talents and gifts have called them to the front line, and they have answered with a resounding Yes!
In response, Leader Paper Products, a leading manufacturer of premium envelopes and other specialty paper products, has launched our community campaign, A Million Thanks! As part of the initiative, we’ve designed and produced one million thank you cards to be given to those on the COVID-19 frontlines. Please join the Leader Paper Products family, and together we will give a million thanks to our everyday heroes. Complete this form to received your free thank you cards. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.
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