Buy Get 100% Cashback On Magzter Gold
Magzter Gold – Magzter is the world’s largest and fastest growing cross platform global digital magazine newsstand. OFFER : Get 100% Cashback | Shipping : Free Paytm Coupon : Not Required
Offer in Details :
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- Book and pay via paytm wallet
- You will get your 100% cashback
About the merchant :
- Magzter is the world’s largest and fastest growing cross platform global digital magazine newsstand. Headquartered in New York, Magzter is registered as a Delaware C Corp.
- The Magzter app was launched in June 2011 and is available across multiple devices.
- Magzter stands out from other newsstands as it presents a unique revenue-share based business model to publishers making it easy for them to distribute digital editions of their magazines globally with no upfront cost. This has resulted in over 2500+ leading publishers uploading their content on Magzter and a staggering 6500+ magazines to choose from.
Terms and Conditions :
- Get 100% cashback for 1 month subscription of Magzter Gold when you transact using Paytm wallet.
- Gold of Rs.399.Magzer Valid only on
- Maximum cashback of Rs.399 can be availed.
- Valid for 1 transaction per user.
- Cashback will be cancelled in case of partial/full refunds or cancellation of orders.
- Mobile number needs to be verified to be eligible for cashback.
- In case of any disputes the customer needs to get in touch with the merchant/brand.
- Valid till stock last
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